• Pat Gulhati
  • Pat Gulhati
  • Assistant Professor
  • Department: Department of Medical Oncology
  • Graduate Program(s): Cell and Developmental Biology
  • Major Research Interest(s): Cancer Biology, Drug Discovery, Immunology, Microbiome, Signaling
  • Research Techniques: Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Clinical trials, Genetics, Single Cell RNA Techniques
  • Research Organism(s): Bacteria, Cell lines, Humans, in vitro, Mice
  • Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
  • Cancer Institute of New Jersey CINJ
  • 195 Little Albany Street
  • New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1998
  • Key Words: gastrointestinal cancers, molecular biology, cancer biology, tumor microenvironment, tumor immunology and translational research
  • Lab Site URL
  • News Items: Researchers Uncover Triple Immunotherapy Combination as Potential Treatment for Pancreatic Cancer

The Gulhati lab is focused on basic and translational research in pancreatic cancer, a highly aggressive and lethal malignancy that will soon be the second leading cause of cancer death and remains remarkably resistant to all forms of therapy. There is a pressing need to gain a deeper understanding of the fundamental biology underlying this recalcitrant disease and to uncover novel treatment strategies with sustained therapeutic efficacy. Novel bedside remedies are invariably built upon a comprehensive understanding of cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying disease pathogenesis.

Our lab is dissecting the fundamental principles governing pancreatic cancer initiation, metastasis and therapeutic resistance with an emphasis on the functional contribution of the tumor microenvironment. We take an integrated genomics and biological systems-based approach employing a diverse array of experimental models and cutting-edge techniques to conduct mechanistic and translational studies. Our overarching goal is to identify new vulnerabilities and novel treatments that can be translated to the clinic.

Pancreatic tumors demonstrate a marked desmoplastic response as well as an influx of immune cells. Recent work from our lab has focused on understanding the recalcitrance to currently available immunotherapies in pancreatic cancer, using genetically engineered mouse models and human biospecimens. To this end, we have identified a novel combinatorial immunotherapy regimen with remarkable efficacy in shrinking PDAC tumors and curing mice of their disease.

Current projects in the lab are exploring:

i) signaling pathways downstream of KRAS that mediate cross-talk between pancreatic cancer cells and the stromal microenvironment including immune cells and fibroblasts;
ii) the immunosuppressive microenvironment in pancreatic tumors and identification of novel therapeutic targets to increase efficacy of immune checkpoint therapy and chemotherapy;
iii) identification and functional validation of novel genes and pathways driving pancreatic cancer initiation, metastasis and therapeutic resistance.
