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Application Deadline: December 1

Admission to the Graduate Program in Molecular Biosciences is highly competitive. A bachelor’s degree or its equivalent is required for admission. Appropriate undergraduate preparation might include a concentration in biology, biochemistry, cell biology, molecular biology, developmental biology, microbiology, neurobiology, genetics or a related field. Successful applicants have typically had some exposure to laboratory research and are able to articulate why further training in graduate school is desired.

Superior ability needs to be demonstrated by grade-point average (minimum GPA of 3.0) and letters of recommendation.  We no longer require the GRE test.  TOEFL scores are required of students from countries in which English is not the primary language.


Application Instructions 

The Admissions Committee for the Graduate Programs in Molecular Biosciences reviews application for five participating degree-granting graduate programs. Specifying any one of the five programs does not limit a student’s choice of laboratories in which to work. At the end of the first year, regardless of which program was specified during the application process, a student may select any one of the five programs in which to continue.

Please click here for access to the Graduate Admission portal for Rutgers University.  Apply to ONE of the following programs:

Program NameProgram Code
Biochemistry 16:115
Cell & Developmental Biology 16:148
Microbiology & Molecular Genetics 16:681
Pharmaclogy Celular & Molecular 16:718
Physiology & Integrative Biology 16:761